Revised February 2023 Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Participating Providers and Suppliers Final Rule (Check out our latest update on emergency preparedness, based on the 2019 final rule.) The motto of the Boy Scouts is Be Prepared. As of 2016, that motto applies to healthcare emergency preparedness, too. Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy wreaked havoc […]
Continue readingBuilding a Common Compliance Language
Everyone needs to understand industry terminology to properly communicate. Imagine a physician referring to a patient as a “customer,” or a lawyer calling a client a “patient;” it feels odd. Even worse, it would create communication challenges. Every business organization has its own language, a specific terminology unique to the profession. Building a common organizational […]
Continue readingFrustration With Flying Can Improve Compliance
I hate when I’m on a flight that is delayed and they don’t explain to me why. I marvel at people who can sit quietly resting their eyes or reading a book; I can’t. I grind my teeth, fidget, and am generally miserable. I want to know why we are delayed. Most of the time […]
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