Late last week, the HHS OIG made available its semi-annual report to Congress summarizing OIG activities occurring from October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. As one might expect, OIG continues to commit resources to enforcement-related activities and to improve its data analytics capabilities. A few of the “headlines” from an enforcement perspective include: Criminal […]
Continue readingTo Bundle Or Not To Bundle?
In August of 2017, CMS announced the cancellation of a proposed Cardiac Care Bundled Payment model as well as reversing course on a proposal to expand the Comprehensive Joint Replacement Bundled Payment model. Participation in both payment models would have been mandatory for certain providers in specified markets. In January 2018, to considerable fanfare, CMS […]
Continue reading“Compliance Magic”
Determine If Any New Regulation Matters To You, Without Reading It! During a demo, a prospect referred to a part of our system as “Compliance Magic”. I asked her what she meant…she answered; “I can decide if a regulation matters to me (or not) without having to read it; it’s like magic”, I grinned […]
Continue readingBuilding a Common Compliance Language
Everyone needs to understand industry terminology to properly communicate. Imagine a physician referring to a patient as a “customer,” or a lawyer calling a client a “patient;” it feels odd. Even worse, it would create communication challenges. Every business organization has its own language, a specific terminology unique to the profession. Building a common organizational […]
Continue readingFaster Compliance Using “Command Signals”
You don’t want to waste time on regs that don’t matter to you! Whether it’s a new reg from the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), or your state’s Health Department, one of the 1st steps required for compliance is gauging the new regs’ relevance to your organization. […]
Continue readingyouCompli Announces New Software
Recently the Pittsburgh Post Gazette did a nice article on our new platform. Click the link below to check it out.
Continue readingThree Themes Shared By Uber, Airbnb, and Compliance…
I Believe Compliance Is On The Cusp Of Something Huge……something that will completely change the way that compliance work is done. How would I know? Because we’ve seen this before, in just the last few years. Think back to 2007, before Uber and Airbnb were founded. Doesn’t seem like very long ago, but a lot […]
Continue readingFrustration With Flying Can Improve Compliance
I hate when I’m on a flight that is delayed and they don’t explain to me why. I marvel at people who can sit quietly resting their eyes or reading a book; I can’t. I grind my teeth, fidget, and am generally miserable. I want to know why we are delayed. Most of the time […]
Continue readingBet You’re Glad You’re Not The Chief Compliance Officer At Theranos!
Anyone wanting to take a swipe at their compliance department should pay close attention to Theranos. This once high-flying unicorn is getting hammered. For those not aware. Theranos (with a reported private valuation of $9 billion), publicly stated that their only product, which has been used to diagnose conditions and inform treatments for patients, doesn’t […]
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